
Investor Letter 4/2018

Portfolio Manager Deryng’s Investor Letter in December 2018, commenting on key investments and discussing the significance of the stock market decline in the end of the year.

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November 2018

By end Nov, VN Index has lost -23% from its peak in April, while PYN Elite has declined -16%. Bank Sector has lost on average -35% from its peak. The

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October 2018

In October, the global stock markets continued to face with turbulence and strong sell-offs in the Chinese and US exchanges. Vietnam’s stock market was not immune to volatility, VNIndex lost

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Investor Letter 3/2018

Portfolio Manager Petri Deryng’s Investor Letter in October 2018, which looks at the prospects of key portfolio companies in PYN Elite and draws conclusions from the last five stock market

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September 2018

In September, PYN Elite Fund advanced 4.2%, outperforming VNIndex which was up 2.8%. The fund was supported by MWG and our midcap stocks. It seems investors are increasing interested in

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August 2018

In August, PYN Elite gained 5.4% primarily supported by VND, HBC and HDB. VN Index advanced 3.5% on energy name GAS and banks. Trading volume remained subdued at $230m/day in

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